Ashot Hakobyan: Reduction of disruptions in gas consumption systems of consumers is one of our main priorities

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of CJSC Gazprom Armenia Ashot Hakobyan visited Ararat and Artashat Gasification and Gas Supply Branches (GGB), where he held extended meetings. Deputy General Directors, Heads of a number of structural subdivisions, the Director of Engineering Center Branch also participated in the meeting. Issues related to the production and economic activity of the GG branches were discussed.

During the meeting at the Ararat GGB, the Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of Gazprom Armenia noted that meetings in such a format provide an opportunity to find solutions to urgent issues related to the GGB operation quite effectively and timely.

“This is already the fourth off-site meeting, and during the current year we will also visit all other GG branches. This is a very effective format that allows us to get acquainted with the urgent problems of the branches on the spot, discuss ways to solve them, listen to the proposals of our colleagues from the GGB and solve the most important issues as quickly as possible," A. Hakobyan noted.

The Chief Engineer of the Ararat GGB G. Harutyunyan presented the main indicators of the Branch activity. It was noted that the Ararat Branch served about 439.5 km of underground and above-ground gas pipelines of the gas distribution network, 237 units of gas regulatory points. Within the framework of the Major Repair Plan of Gazprom Armenia, the Branch carried out re-installation of emergency sections of gas pipelines during 2021 — 2023 with 11 km total length, replaced 8 Cabinet type Gas regulation points (CGRP), the service life of which exceeded 20 years. Instrumental research of the technical condition of underground gas pipelines was carried out according to the schedule.

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of Gazprom Armenia also instructed to monitor issues related to the operation and maintenance of above-ground gas pipelines, to ensure their compliance with established standards and technical norms.

During the meeting at the Artashat GGB, it was noted that the total length of the gas distribution network pipelines maintained by the Branch was about 1250 km, the number of gas control points was 507 units. In 2021 — 2023, the Branch carried out re-installation of emergency sections of gas pipelines with 5.5 km total length, replaced 21 Cabinet type Gas regulation points (CGRP), the service life of which exceeded 20 years. Operation and maintenance work on the gas distribution network was carried out in accordance with the approved schedule.

Summarizing the results of the meetings, Ashot Hakobyan noted that the activity indicators of Ararat and Artashat GG branches were generally positive both in terms of the operation of gas distribution system facilities and the collection of payments for natural gas supplied to consumers.

“In general, we have good dynamics and a good pace of work. But at the same time, we must not only maintain this pace, but also redouble our efforts to achieve better results and ensure maximum efficiency of our work,” emphasized Ashot Hakobyan.

A. Hakobyan noted that the main priority was and remained to ensure reliable and safe gas supply to consumers.

«The important thing is that as a result of the joint work of our GG Branches and AEG Service LLC, the safety of consumers is ensured to the maximum extent possible. I would like to emphasize once again that the reduction of violations in gas consumption systems of consumers and therefore the prevention of potential incidents caused by the violation of safety requirements remains our main and constant priority,» the Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of CJSC Gazprom Armenia emphasized.
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