Ashot Hakobyan: Issues related to the gas distribution system operation should be under constant control

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of CJSC Gazprom Armenia Ashot Hakobyan held an extended meeting with participation of Deputy General Directors, Heads of a number of structural subdivisions, Directors of Gas supply and Gasification Branches (GGB), Engineering Center Branch and AEG Service LLC.

During the meeting, the results of the production and economic activity of the GG Branches in April were reviewed and issues related to the operation of the gas distribution system facilities were discussed.

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of Gazprom Armenia noted that on April 30, retreat meetings were held in Gavar and Martuni Gasification and Gas Supply Branches and the discussion of issues and problems related to the GGB operation in such a format was quite effective.

«I would like to inform you that we plan to hold the next retreat meetings in Artashat and Ararat GG Branches. I instruct the Directors of the Branches to prepare all the urgent issues related to the activities of the Branches, which we will study on the spot and discuss the mechanisms for their optimal solution», said Ashot Hakobyan.

During the meeting, it was noted that the results of the production and economic activities of the Gas supply and Gasification Branches over the past month were generally positive, and the collection rates of payments for natural gas supplied to consumers during the reporting period remained at a high level. Positive results were also recorded in terms of payments for technical maintenance of the gas consumption system.

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of Gazprom Armenia pointed out the need to maintain the given pace of work, which will allow to ensure positive dynamics in all directions of the Company's activity in the future.

Ashot Hakobyan instructed the relevant structural subdivisions, together with GG Branches, to keep the issues related to the operation of the gas distribution system facilities under constant control.

During the meeting, a number of other issues were considered and relevant instructions were given.
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