Facilities of gas transportation and distribution systems ready for uninterrupted gas supply to consumers in the autumn-winter period of 2022/2023
In the current year, according to the Major Repair Plan of the Company, in particular the major repair of the insulation coating was planned and completely carried out with the partial replacement of rejected pipes on the following main gas transmission pipelines of Yerevan-Armavir with 500 mm diameter, Ghazakh-Yerevan with 500mm diameter, Ghazakh-Yerevan (II line) with 1000 mm and 700 mm diameters, Goris-Nakhichevan with 700 mm diameter, Goris-Kapan-Kajaran with 500 mm diameter. The total length of the repaired sections of gas pipelines is about 500 mm. The total length of the repaired sections of gas transmission pipelines makes about 40 km.
Large-scale work was also carried out at other facilities of the gas transportation system, including the major repair of the gas distribution stations of Alaverdi, Getashen and Arzni, as well as Abovian Underground Gas Storage infrastructure facilities and technological units, including the storage of the required minimum amount of operational reserve in the underground gas wells.
Major repairs of underground and above-ground gas pipelines of medium and low pressure at the facilities of the gas distribution network were carried out both in the city of Yerevan and throughout the whole territory of Armenia. The total length of the repaired sections of gas pipelines makes about 100 km.
Thus, in view of the performed work, the reliable and safe operation of gas transportation and distribution system facilities will ensure uninterrupted gas supply to consumers in the autumn-winter period of 2022/2023.
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