
July 2024 year

Within the framework of its social policy, Gazprom Armenia has organized a three-day rest at the Marriott Tsaghkadzor Hotel for the families of more than 36 employees with four or more minor children.

Gazprom Armenia ranks third in the major taxpayers list

During this period, the Company has paid 27,588,615 thousand AMD to the state budget.

The issue of connecting new gas consumption systems to the existing distribution networks in Yerevan is being gradually resolved.

1 126,9 million cubic meters of natural gas have been supplied to the consumers of the country.

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of Gazprom Armenia Ashot Hakobyan held a meeting, during which the results of the production and economic activities of the gasification and gas supply branches for June of this year were presented and issues related to the operation of the gas distribution network were discussed.

In the first half of the year more than 5,200 consumers connected to the gas distribution system of the country

In the first half of the year, the number of gas consumers connected to the gas distribution network of the country has increased by 5,209.

Before the match, the teams congratulated Ashot Hakobyan with the anniversary and presented a symbolic gift — a T-shirt with number 60.