
February 2024 year

Gazprom Armenia summarized the results of the first stage of the 10th Fakel Corporate Festival of amateur creative groups and performers of subsidiaries and organizations of PJSC Gazprom.

The books are intended for school-aged children and are of various genres: fiction, adventure, educational literature, fairy tales and children's encyclopedias.

According to the Resolution № 95-N of the Public Services Regulation Commission of the Republic of Armenia dated July 8, 2005 «On Approval of the Rules for the Supply and Use of Natural Gas», maintenance of gas consumption systems shall be carried out at least twice a year — once in the period from October 1 to April 1 (1st accounting half of the year) and once in the period from April 1 to October 1 (2nd accounting half of the year).

During the meeting, reference was made to the operation and maintenance of the gas distribution system facilities. The Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of CJSC Gazprom Armenia noted that measures were already being taken to introduce modern technologies, which would contribute to increasing the efficiency of the mentioned works.

Gazprom Armenia acted as a partner of the Second Competition “Traditions of Russian Essays and Modern Blogging” named after. F. Dostoevsky, which was organized by the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Yerevan (Russian House in Armenia).