Engineering Center Branch conducted another certification of welders at Armavir Gazmash LLC

Engineering Center Branch of Gazprom Armenia CJSC organizes and conducts certification of welders of the Gasification and Gas Supply Branches (GGB) and subsidiaries of the Company in order to ensure the safe production process, improve production quality and compliance with current international standards.

Certification of welders consists of two stages — theoretical and practical. During the theoretical stage, the welding specialist presents the requirements for the performance of welding work and conducts work safety instruction.

During the practical stage, the welders weld test samples, after which the welding seams are inspected by visual and X-ray methods by the Field — experimental laboratory of the Engineering Center Branch.

According to the approved schedule for the current year, the certification has already been carried out in Kotayk, Aragatsotn, Lori, Martuni GG Branches and Transgaz LLC. In total, 50 welders were certified.

The next attestation was organized on August 14 at Armavir Gazmash LLC of Gazprom Armenia. According to the results of the welding work inspection and examination of welded test samples, the period of welding production work permits of three welders of Armavir Gazmash LLC were extended for another year period, and two more welders received work permits for a period of one year.

By the end of the year, the Engineering Center Branch will conduct certification of welders in all other GG Branches of Gazprom Armenia CJSC.
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