Ashot Hakobyan: Technological Diagrams are the Passport of Gas Distribution Networks

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of CJSC Gazprom Armenia Ashot Hakobyan held extended meetings at the Aragatsotn and Armavir Gasification and Gas Supply Branches (GGB), during which the main indicators of the activities of GG Branches, upcoming plans, and urgent issues related to the work of Branches were discussed.

At the meeting in Aragatsotn GGB, it was noted that the Branch served about 1140 km of underground and above-ground gas pipelines of the gas distribution network, 146 units of gas regulatory points, the number of GGB gas consumers among the population was 22,871. Instrumental diagnostics of the technical condition of underground gas pipelines was carried out in accordance with the approved schedule, and in 2021- 2023 more than 306 km of underground gas pipelines were inspected.

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director of Gazprom Armenia expressed his satisfaction with the results of the Aragatsotn GGB work and noted that there was a lot to be done in the near future.

«In terms of infrastructure development, Aragatsotn region has a great potential and we also need to plan our work in such a way as to ensure the compliance of the gas distribution system with this development,» Ashot Hakobyan emphasized.

During the meeting at the Armavir GGB, it was noted that the total length of gas pipelines of the distribution network served by the Branch was about 1915 km, the number of gas regulating points was 442 units. The number of resident-consumers was 57,387.

The Branch implemented comprehensive measures aimed at improving gas supply regimes, gas distribution network operation and maintenance, as well as instrumental diagnostics of the technical condition of underground gas pipelines according to the approved schedule.

Chairman of the Management Committee-Director General of CJSC Gazprom Armenia was also presented with the results of the work on the creation of technological schemes of the gas distribution network operated by the Armavir GGB.

As Ashot Hakob emphasized, the Company was purposefully and consistently moving towards the digitalization of production and work processes, which would significantly increase the efficiency of work.

" Technological diagrams are not only a passport of gas distribution networks served by gasification and gas supply branches, but also a working guide for engineering and technical personnel, specialists involved in the operation and maintenance of gas pipelines, which enables them to carry out current works more efficiently, as well as detect and eliminate problems at gas distribution system facilities more promptly", — stated Ashot Hakobyan.

Chairman of the Management Committee — General Director also visited Emergency Dispatch Service 1–04 of the Armavir regional district of the Armavir GGB in Metsamor city, which has been operating in a new service office since the beginning of the year.

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