ESC schoolgirl Kamila Vardanyan was among the winners of the international competition “Tell the world about your homeland”

Kamila Vardanyan, the 6th grader of Educational — Sport Complex School of Gazprom Armenia was among the winners of the VI International competition “Tell the world about your homeland.”
The purpose of the competition is the patriotic education of children and youth, the formation of love and respect for their native land, as well as the development of international friendship of the younger generation.

Within the framework of the competition, participants of different ages choose the most interesting events, traditions and memorable places of their Motherland and tell their compatriots and peers abroad about them in the format of a video or text work.
This year, more than 6,500 children and teenagers from 47 countries participated in the competition held by ANO “Innovative Center for the Development and Education of Children and Youth”.

Kamila presented her text work in the third age group (11 to 15 years old) and became one of the winners of the competition. Among the best works of foreign participants, the work of the ESC School student took the first prize. Kamila also received a first-degree diploma and a personalized statuette of the winner.
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