Heat tariff set for energy, generated at Hrazdan-5 station of CJSC Gazprom Armenia
On August 13 the decisions of the Public Services Regulatory Commission of the Republic of Armenia on issuing a license to the Closed Joint-Stock Company Gazprom Armenia for thermal power generation at Hrazdan-5 station and on approving the tariff for heat energy generated at Hrazdan-5 station are coming into force.
According to the decisions, the license for thermal power generation at Hrazdan-5 station of Closed Joint-Stock Company Gazprom Armenia (administrative territory of Hrazdan community of Kotayk region in the Republic of Armenia) was extended until August 13, 2021. The formula for calculating the tariff for thermal energy delivered from Hrazdan-5 station of CJSC Gazprom Armenia was also approved.