Engineering center

43 Tbilisyan Hwy, 0091, Yerevan, Republic of Armenia


Artur Khachaturyan

+374 10 29-49-19

Deputy Director-Chief Engineer

Hovhannes Ispiryan

(+374 10) 29-47-80 

Deputy Director for Production

Mkrtich Grigoryan

(+374 10) 29-47-98

Deputy Director-Head of the Construction Control Service

Arsen Palikyan

(+374 10) 29-49-30

Accounting Department (+374 10) 29-48-64
HR and Labour Relations Department (+374 10) 29-49-20
Economic Planning Department(+374 10) 29-49-63
Documentation Management Department(+374 10) 29-49-40
Laboratory of Physical and Chemical Measurements of the Environment (+374 10) 29-47-66
Gas Equipment Maintenance, Installation and Adjustment Service(+374 10) 29-47-66
Educational and Technical Center(+374 10) 29-48-63
Design and Research Department(+374 10) 29-49-45
Gas Transportation System Technical Condition and Integrity Management Service(+374 10) 29-48-57
Energy and Heat Supply Service(+374 10) 29-47-32
Laboratory of Metrology and Gas Loss Monitoring (+374 10) 29-48-69
Service for Operation of Electrochemical Protection stations (+374 10) 29-48-57
Construction Control Service(+374 10) 29-48-86
(+374 10) 29-48-50
Field-Experimental Laboratory(+374 10) 29-47-92
Diagnostice Survey Service (+374 10) 29-48-45
Motor transport service

(+374 10) 29-49-60